Sunday, December 29, 2019

ESL Job Interview Lesson and Worksheet

Students in ESL classes (and some EFL classes) will eventually need to take job interviews as they go about finding new employment. The art of job interviewing can be a touchy subject for many students and the approach can vary widely from country to country. Some countries may expect a more aggressive, self-promoting style, while others may generally prefer a more modest approach. In any case, job interviews can make even the best students nervous. One of the best ways to deal with this is to explain job interviewing as an extremely important game. Make it clear that students should understand the rules of the game. Whether or not they feel any given job interviewing style is fair is an entirely different issue. By making immediately clear that youre not trying to teach the correct way to interview, but only trying to help them understand the rules of the game and what they should expect from it, youll help students focus on the task at hand, rather than getting caught up in cultural comparisons. Aim: Improve job interviewing skills Activity: Simulated job interviews Level:  Intermediate to advanced Teaching Outline Distribute the worksheet (from this lesson) to students in the class. Students should follow each of the instructions carefully.Make groups of three people and choose one person to interview for the positions, one to interview the job applicant, and one to take notes on the job interview.Review notes after each interview and have the interviewers tell the interviewees how they think they could improve their job interviewing skills.Have students switch roles and either interview another person or take notes. Make sure that all students have taken notes AND interviewed so that they can better understand the job interviewing process.While students are in their groups, have them note disagreements on a good job interviewing technique. At the end of the session, have students to ask other students their opinions on these disagreements.As a follow-up activity, have students go online and find a few jobs they would like to do. Have them write down their qualifications as practice in class. Job Interviewing Worksheet Visit a popular employment website to search for positions. Put in a few keywords for jobs that you would like. Alternately, find a newspaper with employment ads. If you dont have access to job listings, think of some jobs that you might find interesting. The positions you choose should be related to employment you have done in the past, or the jobs you would like to do in the future as they relate to your studies.  The positions dont necessarily need to be identical to your past jobs, nor do they need to exactly match the subject you are studying at school. Choose two jobs from the list of positions you have found. Make sure to choose jobs that match your skills in some way. To prepare yourself with appropriate vocabulary, you should explore vocabulary resources that list specific vocabulary for the work sector for which you are applying. Several resources can help with this: Use the Occupational Outlook Handbook, which lists positions by industry. This is a rich resource that provides general descriptions of the type of work and responsibilities you can expect.Search the industry glossary, for example, banking glossary. This will lead you to pages that provide definitions for key language in your chosen industry.Use a collocation dictionary with keywords from your industry. This will help you learn key phrases and words that usually go together. On a separate piece of paper, write down your qualifications for the job. Think about the skills you have and how they relate to the job you would like. These skills and qualifications can later be used on your resume. Here are some of the questions you should ask yourself when thinking about your qualifications: What tasks have I done at past jobs that are similar to the tasks required in this job advertisement?What are my strengths and weaknesses and how do they relate to the tasks required in this job advertisement?How do I relate to people? Do I have good people skills?If I dont have any related work experience, how does the experience I have and/or studies Ive done relate?Why do I want this job? With classmates, take turns interviewing each other. You can help fellow students by writing down a few questions that you feel will be asked. However, make sure that your partners also include general questions such as Whats your greatest strength?

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Agricultural Machinery Market A Case Study Essay

Agricultural Machinery Market A Case Study Department of mechanical Assistant Professor and Industrial Engineering Department of mechanical and Industrial Indian Institute of Engineering Technology Roorkee Indian institute Of Technology Roorkee Table of Contents I. Introduction Problem Highlights Topic Justification scope and limitations II Policy III Tractor sales IV Growth in different segment IV Indian agricultural machinery in the world V Farming land per farmer VI conclusion Introduction India is an agricultural country. Seventy percent of its people live in villages. One-third of our National income comes from agriculture. Our economy is based on agriculture. The development of agriculture has much to do with the economic welfare of our country. Agricultural market is continuously increasing for the past couple of decades in India as the technology is developing. The continues increasing demand of food products has resulted in the increased demand of food grains and thus has increased the use of farm machinery in rural areas. India is seeing the movement of labour from rural to urban areas which with the demand of increasing production efficiency in food product is the evidence that there is a future for farm mechanization in India. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Communication Climates, Responses, and Dynamics Free Essays

This paper will discuss small teams on a reality show called â€Å"There goes the Neighborhood†. This show is about a neighborhood that allows a brick wall to gate them in and they must learn to work together, not only as a family, but as neighbors too. In the beginning of the game, everything is taken away from them. We will write a custom essay sample on Communication Climates, Responses, and Dynamics or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example, all of the luxuries such as appliances, televisions, snacks, video games, and children’s toys were all removed. There was no need for their cars since there was a huge wall around the neighborhood. These teams not only had to learn to become a team, but it would also teach them to appreciate everything that they have. The game encourages team work, because without teamwork the teams would lose the challenges that are presented to both teams. Even though the challenges are staged, they push the competitors to extreme emotional, physical, and mental states. The challenges are rewarded with prizes for the winning team. Defensive and supportive climates are always going to be a part of communication. With that in mind we look at a certain style and that is certainty vs. provisionalism. The Nelson Family seems to believe that everything should go their way, and were working on the Johnston’s as allies to get rid of the people they did not like. Since the Nelson family did not approve of the Mullinax family because they were lesbian mothers they wanted them out of the game. This shows certainty because they were very defensive on the subject. The other families showed provisionalism because they were open to the Mullinax’s situation. This began to tear families apart and finally the other families were tired of being followers and kicked the Nelson family off. Later on in the game, the families started to notice that the Mullinax family was just giving excuses every week for why they should not be eliminated. First it was for stereotypes, and then it was for nobody liking them, and this week it was they live paycheck to paycheck and have two children going to college soon. It seemed as though other family members were getting tired of the excuses and felt as if they might be using it to their advantage to win the game, so they eliminated the Mullinax’s. The Mullinax’s started to show defensive behavior thinking it would save them and people would show sympathy for them, but it seemed to backfire on them. The person who behaves defensively, even though he or she also gives some attention to the common task, devotes an appreciable portion of energy to defending himself or herself. Besides talking about the topic, he thinks about how he appears to others, how he may be seen more favorably, how he may win, dominate, impress or es cape punishment, and/or how he may avoid or mitigate a perceived attack. (Gibb, n. d. ) This same situation takes place in confirming and disconfirming responses. During the elimination ceremony, the Mullinax family poured their hearts out stating that the Nelson family made them feel outside of the core. The Nelson family showed disconfirming responses by failing to acknowledge them and talking to other family members while they were talking. This also showed their nonverbal behavior such as rolling their eyes and smiling at their family members. Nonverbal communication is defined as all the messages that people transmit through means other than words (Alberts, 2007). The Nelson’s would someday see themselves on television and see how much they used non-verbal behavior in a negative way. Sometimes people have to acknowledge someone’s negative non-verbal behavior before the main person recognizes it. Other families tuned in and really listened to what the Mullinax family had to say and showed confirming responses. None of the other families knew that was how the Mullinax family felt deep inside and they changed their minds to eliminate the Nelson family. Cohesiveness relates to the degree to which members are attracted to and motivated to remain part of that team. A cohesive group member values his or her membership and strives to maintain a positive relationship within the group. Often, cohesion is viewed from an affective perspective; as interpersonal attraction among members or to the group. However, cohesion can also be envisioned as â€Å"attraction to a collectivity† as opposed to an attraction to the individuals who make up that grouping. (Ratzburg, n. d. ) It is important that every single member never work against each other but strive to work with each other toward their shared goal(s). Any negative force that threatens the team’s success redirects itself into something ositive as long as team members share the same purpose. Cohesiveness is a process whereby a sense of we-ness emerges to transcend individual differences and motives (Kinicki ; Kreitner, 2004, p. 15). Some of the teenagers in the families did not approve of how their parents were acting on decision making. Since these people were actually neighbors in rea l life, these teenagers were friends with the other teens in the game. This caused problems because some of the parents were being immature and this caused the teens to rebel against their own family. In certain challenges the teens would not try as hard as they should because they disapproved of what their parents were planning. Finally, one of the mothers talked to them and explained that it was only a game and more than anything they needed to work together as a family first. The teen realized that this was more important and strived to help his team out. Effective listening is an important part of working as a team. When effective listening does not occur it can result in misunderstanding, failed goals and accomplishment, or even a conflict between team members. This situation came into place as the teams had their challenges. The teams were supposed to build a house of card which taught them how to listen to each other and work as a team. One of the children was very experienced in building houses of cards, but the parents were ignoring his ideas on how to build it because of his age. The family ended up losing the challenge because they did not listen to each other. The same thing that the child was explaining to his family, the other team listened and took the idea and won the challenge. This also showed a barrier between the adults and the children. Some parents still live the old fashion way where children are not really paid attention to, especially in a situation where a huge lump sum of money is involved. Some of the old fashioned quotes would be, â€Å"Don’t speak until you’re spoken to†; â€Å"Children should be seen and not heard†. Due to this, children never get a chance to express themselves or help out so they either give up or rebel. Some children feel why they should bother if no one is going to pay attention to them. There were also several barriers between the families such as cultural, physical, and emotional. There were a lot of stereotypes going on in this show. Like mentioned before, the Nelson’s had a problem with the Mullinax’s because they were lesbians. The men had issues with Cameron Johnston because he was a stay at home dad. They secretly would mention that they did not feel that he should be staying at home while his wife worked. They figured he was a real man, so they would never include him in the things that they were doing outside of the challenges. There was also the Upshaw family who were a bi-racial family where the mother was white and the father was black, and they were definitely nonverbal looks at the beginning at this family. The Upshaw dad felt out of place being the only black man, so he was always staying on his toes and making sure that his family won the challenges so that they would not be sent home. He was one of the families at the beginning that sided with the Nelson’s because he knew that they were in charge. He was also the main person who sided with the Mullinax’s and eliminated the Nelson’s too. In conclusion, watching reality shows definitely show real team work and the positive and negative outcomes. When watching fictional sitcoms or series, we really do not get the full effect of how teamwork really works but how the director and writer perceive it. Since this was the summer time it was hard to find a decent reality show to discuss compared to the fall season where there are wonderful shows like Survivor which would have great examples. There goes the neighborhood still showed enough examples on teamwork and interpersonal communication. As the teams were eliminated, the audience could definitely tell which ones actual learned for the experiment compared to the others who were still defensive. Watching a reality show provided different camera views to catch the families nonverbal and verbal communication. If they rolled their eyes or whispered something it was all caught on camera with subtitles. Nonverbal and verbal communication work together to convey and explain messages sent between people. Together they support the thoughts and ideas of the speaker. We use nonverbal communication to illustrate the verbal communication. Without one or the other two types of communication we would not be able to fully understand each other. References Alberts, Jess K. (2007) Human Communication in Society Nonverbal Communication (144-161) Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall Gibb, Jack R.. (n.d.). Defensive Communication. In Definition and Significance. Retrieved Sept 13, 2009, from Kinicki, A., ; Kreitner, R. (2004). Organizational behavior: Teams and Teamwork for the 21st Century. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies. LeVrier, Peggy. (n.d.). Parent University. In Establishing your posture as an effective listener. Retrieved Sept 13, 2009, from Ratzburg, Wilf H.. (n.d.). Group Cohesiveness. In Organizational Behavior. Retrieved September 13, 2009, from How to cite Communication Climates, Responses, and Dynamics, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Creativity and Dangerous Planning †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Creativity and Dangerous Planning. Answer: Introiduction: People have always wondered from where their favorite artists get their inspiration. The answer in most of the cases is nicotine. Over the years, people have been cautioned from smoking too many cigarettes, but then what about the factor of creativity that comes with smoking the marijuana. There came electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes that are battery operated mechanisms management used by people in inhaling aerosol, flavorings and some other chemicals (Florida 2014). It has been creative in the sense that research shows e-cigarettes to be less detrimental than the conventional ones which people smoke on regular basis. E-cigarettes do not comprise of tobacco. Instead of that, they transmit a nicotine-containing liquid which is heated into steam and breathed in. The nicotine gratifies the cravings connected with the addiction of smoking that does not cause the deadly disease of cancer. Creating such a product has somehow helped in lessening the factor of cancer, especia lly among teenagers. It has been creative in the sense that e-cigarettes do not produce any sort of tobacco along with the countless chemicals found within suggesting it is safer to use these devices than smoke. The reason for it being stated as creativity is the fact that creation of e-cigarettes has lessened the smoking of conventional cigarettes to a greater extent, mainly among the teenagers (De Bono 2015). This has been a revelation of some sort, especially when cancer is taking its toll. The idea is dangerous for the sense; one is not entirely quitting smoking and moreover some of the anti-smoking agencies identifying these e-cigarettes as more of a threat rather than opportunity. Marketers require understanding the fact that the buying performance of their consumers while planning their advertisement for their preferred impact. Advertisements play an important role in creating a product image in the consumers minds. Advertisements need to be catchy that contains relevant information about the product and convey the same to the consumers. The advertising of e-cigarettes might be leading the children in believing that the occasional smoking of tobacco is not detrimental and has been potentially timely for the younger generation to experiment with smoking management. A year back the European Union brought in new laws for regulating the ales of tobacco, any sort of promotion, or the advertising of the e-cigarettes were prohibited (Mann and Cadman 2014). Marketers need to refer to the guidance of the Department of Health on the advertising of the e-cigarettes, stating the ads for nicotine are not being licensed as medicines are generally been prohibited. The media that are not been allowed to advertise e-cigarettes are newspapers, magazines along with display on the internet and email advertising. Dangerous Thinking Concept: Dangerous thinking generally starts with provocative break taking in the moment when something is being introduced that does not fit into the previous frameworks, thereby generating discomfort along with friction. In making this step possible there is requirement of challenging the apparatus that has been keeping individuals in the comfort zone. For doing all these, an individual needs to challenge the hidden box; a framework that has been keeping the thinking of individuals under the control (Florida 2014). This is not quite same as being creative in mind but being radical disagreement with the conventional thought mode. Certain buzz words like disruptive thinking along with innovation can sometimes be dangerously misapplied. The meaning of both the terms is different mainly depending on the place where they are being used. In the house of advertising this might have one meaning while in the financial houses the meaning just might differ. Creativity at times can be expensive if one is not careful with overall thing. One can dive into the work without much simplicity and end up with mixing energy, time and money without much of the results. Organizational leaders cannot be impulsive while reacting to the dangerous ideas or disruptive thinking. They end up making poor decisions that has been departing from the organizations management which cannot be implemented. Novelty can never be creative, the cropping up of so many digital tools have been creating the dangerous postulation that any man on this planet earth can be creative (Baumeister et al., 2017). Anyone can make a positive contribution to the radical thinking of unique nature, true creativity is being rooted into the substantive thoughts, not any sort of ideas that can imitate as certain cheap knock-offs. Reference: Baumeister, R.F., Clark, C.J., Kim, J. and Lau, S., 2017. Consumers (and Consumer Researchers) Need Conscious Thinking in Addition to Unconscious Processes: A Call for Integrative Models, A Commentary on Williams and Poehlman.Journal of Consumer Research. De Bono, E., 2015.Serious creativity management: How to be creative under pressure and turn ideas into action. Random House. Florida, R., 2014.The Rise of the Creative Class--Revisited: Revised and Expanded. Basic Books (AZ). Mann, S. and Cadman, R., 2014. Does being bored make us more creative?.Creativity Research Journal,26(2), pp.165-173.